
以下四篇可張貼在各大企業、民宿與家庭的短文宣的英文與日文翻譯, 目前英文版已經翻譯完成, 日文版正在翻譯中. 若有更好的建議, 歡迎留言給我或是來信指正, 非常感謝您喔!!

你拍攝的 礦泉水文宣(小)。

Love the Earth – don’t drink bottled water.


Bottled water causes pollution of our Earth and damage to our health.

Not using bottled water can help reduce the problem of global warming

and ensure our health.

Thank you for your active cooperation.



你拍攝的 拋棄式盥洗文宣(小)。

Loving the Earth is easy.  Don’t use disposable toiletries.


Bringing your own toiletries and using the cleaning supplies we provide for you can reduce the waste of natural resources.

This way, we can work together to ease the strain on the Earth and its ability to deal with human waste products.

Less disposable toiletries improves the health of the Earth, our bodies, and our minds.

Let’s reduce our garbage output.

Let’s show our love for the Earth through our actions.


你拍攝的 衛生紙文宣(小)。

Loving the Earth is easy. Use non-bleached recyclable toilet paper.

Every year, Taiwan consumes 320,000 tons of pulp, which is equivalent to around 15 million trees.

By using non-bleached recyclable toilet paper,

we can save 11 million trees, get more fresh air, ease global warming, and make our land safer and more peaceful.

Thank you for your respect for the Earth and your active support.




Love the Earth with Green Travel 

  • How should I pack?

Prepare your own toiletries (toothbrush, towels, etc.), utensils, and an extra shopping bag.

  • How should I get to my destination?

Take public transportation, or share a taxi. Book airline e-tickets instead of traditional paper tickets.

  • What about accommodations?

Choose eco-friendly B&Bs or hotels. Make it your own home. Do not leave the lights or the TV on all night.

Remember to close the windows and doors whenever you turn on the A/C.  Set the A/C temperature to no lower than 25 degrees Celsius.

Ask your hotel or B&B not to change the bedding if you are staying multiple nights. Use energy and water resources sparingly.

  • How about meals?

Choose local food and local restaurants. Do not order fish when you are in the mountains. Do not order meat from the mountains when you are by the sea.

Reduce the miles your food must travel and save energy resources.

Bring your own utensils and handkerchiefs.

  • What about entertainment?

Experience the customs and lifestyles of the local people. Do not engage in activities that damage the natural environment.

Experience the fun of eco-travel.

  • The Earth will become more beautiful because of you!






英文版已經有人幫我翻譯完成, 感謝惠琴的鼎力相助

目前尚缺日文版, 已經有朋友正在幫忙翻譯

若有更好的建議, 歡迎留言給我或是來信指正




